Local Law Facade / Parapet Inspections Compliance
Facade Inspection Safety Program (FISP LL11)
Building owners are required to comply with FISP Local Law 11, which mandates periodic building facade inspections by technical professionals for structures greater than six stories. Are you up to date on your building’s facade examination and technical report filing? Late filings may result in violations and fines imposed by the Department of Buildings (DOB). PTS will assess your building status and provide guidance on a strategic plan of action to prevent non-compliance with this law.
Parapet Inspections
Commencing January 1, 2o24, building owners are obligated to adhere to 1 RCNY §103-15 Chapter 100 Subchapter C subdivision requirements. This mandates observations for all building parapets facing the public right-of-way, regardless of building height. The requirement may exclude specific 1 or 2 family home structures with access constraints. PTS will assess your building condition and provide guidance on a strategic plan of action to ensure compliance with this subdivision requirement and prevent any potential non-compliance.
Services Include:
Examination of in-situ field conditions by a qualified professional
Technical report preparation and filing with municipalities, as applicable
Client advisement on conditions requiring immediate attention
Preparation of design documents when restoration work is needed
Assistance with corrective actions and resubmission of amended report